Welcome to MindfulYou, my mindfulness and meditation practice. I hope you find something of interest and maybe begin a journey of mindfulness and meditation that brings you happiness, joy and peace.

I get asked “what is mindfulness?” quite a lot, and it’s difficult to answer. There are many definitions out there, but for me it’s about trying to live in harmony with others and the natural world and understanding that everything happens for a reason, even if we can’t straight away see what it is. It’s an awareness of the world around me, and a realisation that I don’t have to get drawn into everything that happens just for the sake of it.

A few bits to think about:

Remember to look up, look down and look all around you, be aware of the beauty of life, not the false pressures of society.

You only have one moment to live, the present one! The past has gone, and the future will be what it is.

Live in the present moment, it’s the only one you can truly enjoy and influence.

Sometimes you have to step back, allow all the pressures to float away and make a few minutes just for you.

We are human beings not human doings. You are allowed to just be for a few minutes every day and not worry about everything you have to do.

The great thing about adopting a mindful approach and using meditation to support yourself is that you realise what mindfulness means to you, and your definition is the most important for you.